The SAT Foundation are strong advocates and contributors to the cause of providing basic social amenities such as potable water, shelter, food among others to the needy and vulnerable in society.

The SAT Foundation over the years gives monthly stipend to over 350 widows and elderly members of society every month to secure their daily livelihoods. The amount given to them depends on the severity of the challenges in life that each individual faces.

The Foundation also periodically undertakes a welfare visitation programme to check up on widows, aged, disabled and the sick to inquire about their health and welfare. Health officials are usually included in the visitations and some financial support and provisions are sent to each beneficiary visited.

The Foundation also organise educational seminars for widows, school children, the aged and people who wish to receive help to quit various addictions including drugs. To help rehabilitate addicts, the Foundation provides counseling and enrolls them in rehabilitation centres. The Foundation also provides employment opportunities for them or establish small businesses for them to secure their welfare.

Moreover, International celebrations are not left , The Foundation also commemorates international days allocated to widows, aged, charity with the beneficiaries involved to give them a sense of hope and belonging to society. Such celebrations usually include free medical screenings and medication for participants.