
 Support to Joana – Umbilical Hernia Condition

 Support to Joana – Umbilical Hernia Condition

Joana is in her early 40s and has developed hernia condition after giving birth to her 4 children. She has had 2 surgeries, one at a private hospital and the second one at Akawe hospital. The condition degenerated and has to be operated upon at Prestea Government...

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Support to Henry Tetteh (Bone Cancer)

Support to Henry Tetteh (Bone Cancer)

Henry is 18 years old and was diagnosed of Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma) about two years ago. He has undergone about 8 cycles of chemotherapy and radiotherapy with multiple blood transfusion at Korle-bu Cancer Centre. Due to the nature of illness, Henry has to be flown...

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Bowed Legged Girl undergoes surgery

The Foundation supported a six-year-old girl with bowed legs to undergo surgery to straighten her legs. The condition made her lack interest in education since she became the topic for discussion everywhere most especially at school. After the surgery, she walks...

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Support for 2 siblings

Two siblings who were six (6) months and four years old respectively, both of whom had dislocated arms from birth were supported to undergo treatment at the St Joseph’s Hospital in Koforidua. A model exercise machine was further purchased to ensure that their...

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Donation to Healthcare Institution

The Samuel Amo Tobbin Foundation was founded upon a belief in God and that we, as a society, should look after those in need, including the provision of access to quality healthcare. The SAT Foundation’s healthcare programmes focus on interventions that contribute to...

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